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We rely on donations to continue our work with refugees. Every year, we work with even more young refugees, many of whom are young people who have arrived in the UK without their families. £20 pays for one hour of devised theatre workshop with a young person who has just arrived in the country, £100 pays for sustained contact with a group of young people who have no stability. Every penny helps us to help others.
Donate now on our JustGiving page.
Donate on our Local Giving page.

The 21 Club
Formed in our 21st birthday year, the 21 CLUB is a group of special supporters who have donated at least £500 to support Border Crossings’ work in intercultural theatre, combined arts, education, heritage, community development and building a better world. Members of the 21 CLUB enjoy special access to the company’s working processes, with the opportunity to visit rehearsals and workshops, to meet the cast and production team at special performance events, and invitations to opening nights of shows and festivals. There is an annual dinner with the Artistic and Associate Directors for 21 CLUB Members.
Border Crossings works closely with donors to ensure maximum value is obtained from each donation. We are able to claim Gift Aid and Theatre Tax Relief. Many donations are eligible for Match Funding Schemes.
Contact 21Club@bordercrossings.org.uk for further details.