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2021-22 ORIGINS Festival

TOTEM LATAMAT at the Rollright Stones, Oxfordshire

During 2021-22, Border Crossings ran an extended ORIGINS Festival which focused on the themes of Covid, Climate Change and Colonialism.

The pandemic prevented us from bringing large numbers of Indigenous artists to the UK for our usual two-week celebration, so instead we asked ourselves what our decade of Festivals has taught us - how we can learn from Indigenous cultures and incorporate their valuable principles into our own lives without appropriating.  The Festival  reached out into communities across the UK and beyond, developing new interfaces between online and physical activity, between Indigenous artists and British audiences.

Activities included:

  • The journey of TOTEM LATAMAT to Cop26
  • Our extensive Participation and Learning programme around plants and food: BOTANY BAY
  • Jessie Lloyd's residency and installation, SONGSTREETS
  • A ceremonial dance project for Birmingham 22: REMEMBRANCES

Explore the 2021-22 ORIGINS Festival Programme. 

ORIGINS 22 - funders


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