As well as engaging with world issues through theatre, Border Crossings is also very active in the area of cultural policy. For some years, we were a prominent member of the Platform for Intercultural Europe, and hosted a major pan-European Practice Exchange event for them at Rose Bruford College in late 2010, on the subject INTERCULTURALISM: ART AND POLICY. You can download the report here.
Michael Walling also wrote the report for the 2012 PIE Forum on PARTICIPATION AND CITIZENSHIP. You can download the report here.
More recently, we have been central to the EU's Voices of Culture consultation on the ROLE OF CULTURE IN THE REFUGEE CRISIS. Michael Walling wrote the introduction to the VoC group's report to the European Commission on this subject, and was responsible for presenting it to senior Culture Ministers and Civil Servants in September 2016. This led to his being invited to speak in a Plenary Session of the 2017 European Culture Forum in Milan. You can download the report here.
In response to this report, we led the EU-funded project THE PROMISED LAND in 2017-19. You can download the e-book of THE PROMISED LAND here.