Responding to the influx of refugees and migrants to Europe, and to the 2016 Voices of Culture Report on the role of Culture in this crisis, this project aimed, through a Strategic Partnership of organisations working in education, culture and vocational and professional training:
- to share smart practice, innovative approaches and proven methodologies for working with new citizens and minority populations, so building the capacity of different organisations and sectors to respond to an immediate and pressing need.
- to adapt and apply innovative practices relating to learning and teaching methodologies in the context of migration.
- to adopt a cross-sectoral approach, so as to apply learning from educational and cultural providers to the business sector, and vice-versa, generating more modern, dynamic, committed and open professional environments; in which new citizens are able not only to develop as integrated citizens, but to which they are also able to contribute positively, precisely because of their specific experiences and identities.
Working with partners from the cultural, academic and business sectors in France, Germany, Italy and Turkey, THE PROMISED LAND project produced a handbook for good practice in this area, together with a range of policy recommendations. The project operated alongside Border Crossings' theatre and community work in our SEASON OF MIGRATIONS.
Click here for the project's e-book.
Click here for further information on the European Commission website.
Click here for the dedicated blog of THE PROMISED LAND.