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The Gaza Monologues, Ashtar Theatre



A Powerful Evening of Solidarity with Gaza. 

On November 29th, 2023, Border Crossings participated in the Global Reading of The Gaza Monologues, a poignant collection of testimonies written by young Gazans with Ashtar Theatre in 2010, following the first war on the Gaza Strip. Unfortunately, these monologues remain relevant today, providing a voice to the courageous Gazans and shedding light on their experiences of horror, hope, and resilience. Border Crossings was honoured to collaborate once again with ASHTAR Theatre, having previously co-produced impactful works such as THIS FLESH IS MINE in 2014 and WHEN NOBODY RETURNS in 2016.

Thirty-one talented performers, many of whom have previously collaborated with Border Crossings, including on our projects in Palestine, brought these words to life once more. 

Reading the monologues: Andrew French, Arnie Hewitt, Christine Hope, David Furlong, Ery Nzaramba, Gerrard McArthur, Gordon MacLellan, Ian Reddington, Joshua Welch, Kellie-Gwen Morgan, Kelly Hunter, Laima Vanaga, Lanna Joffrey, Liz White, Lora Krasteva, Lorna Rees, Lucy Dunkerley, Mediah Ahmed, Michael Walling, Natasha Haward, Nick Moss, Ramzi DeHani, Ross Hatt, Sangita Lakhanpal, Sandra O’Malley, Stephanie Street, Tim Hudson, Tobi King Bakare, Tony Guilfoyle, Vivienne Rochester, Vlad Gurdis. 

The recording of the reading is now available on our YouTube channel

Consider making a donation to Ashtar Theatre's fundraiser to help provide immediate relief to express and mitigate the traumatic impact of the current war on Gaza:

Ashtar Theatre, founded in 1991 in Jerusalem, is a pioneering Palestinian theatre organisation with a global outlook. Committed to fostering creativity and social change, ASHTAR offers unique training programs and professional performances. The organisation prioritises inclusivity by bringing theatre to marginalised areas when audiences cannot come to its main location in Ramallah.

The Gaza Monologues Logo

Photo: Ashtar Theatre. 


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